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How does the DFI fit into my architecture? - Knowledgebase / FAQ / Technology - General System

How does the DFI fit into my architecture?

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Our customers tend to use one of the following consumption models

In the first model, the customer has a very large stream of spatio-temporal data. With the DFI they can:

  1. filter data to efficiently process what is relevant downstream

  2. create new real time apps that can interrogate the data immediately (e.g. logistics customers can query real time movement of stocks)

  3. raise real time event to trigger new processes

In the second model, the customer has a large data lake or warehouse of spatio-temporal data, which today they cannot efficiently leverage.

With the DFI they can:

  1. filter data to efficiently process what is relevant downstream

  2. build interactive applications or dashboard to discover new insights and value from their data

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